Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Bad Junctions Parts 3 to 6

Junction 3: Mansfield Avenue and Inveresk Road

Junction of Mansfield Avenue and Inveresk Road
This is an unfeasibly wide junction that that allows cars coming from the west to turn into Mansfield Avenue without a significant reduction in speed. This creates a bit of a chicken run in the morning as there is a primary school entrance at the north end of Mansfield Avenue. The speed humps are utterly ineffective at traffic calming unless there is a car coming in an opposing direction.
Pedestrians at other times of the day have to remain aware.

Junction 4: Mansfield Place and Dalrymple Loan

Junction of Mansfield Place and Dalrymple Loan

Another unfeasibly wide entrance which gives all the benefit of the doubt to the driver. Cars parked on the angled section (as seen above) reduce visibility. Cars parking on the pavements in Mansfield Place are a chronic problem which the council is unwilling to deal with. There is little possibility of pushing a pram along the pavement on either side of Mansfield Place.

Junction 5: Mansfield Road and Dalrymple Loan

Mansfield Road and Dalrymple Loan Looking South
Mansfield Road and Dalrymple Loan Looking East

Due to the conifers blocking all views this is certainly a blind corner when approaching from the north. This is dangerous for pedestrians unless crossing close to the line of the road.

The sharper corner on the north side of this junction means that cars have no option but to slow down. On such a busy road this (this has led to some near misses when inobservant drivers, following too closely, nearly tail-end me when I turn in).

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